Amaranthine floral perfume collection


      Amaranthine is rooted in the Greek words amarantos, meaning "immortal" or "unfading," and anthos, meaning "flower." The word amaranthine is used to describe anything possessing an undying quality or beauty. It is in emotionally dark and trying times that the soul seeks, and even demands, light and beauty, hope, and reassurance that the love we give and receive never dies. I created the Amaranthine collection as panacea for the weary soul that seeks something delicate, ethereal, uplifting and beautiful even if fleeting. I hope I am able to send some good vibes your way in sharing it.  

      *Floral notes are fleeting and elusive by nature. Apply on top of scent-free lotion or balm to make them last longer*

      Blue Special edition 5 ml bottles will include a glass wand applicator.